The Alert Widget is perfect for displaying visual alerts or messages to your viewers. The options we include allow you to animate the box when it shows in the viewport, use font awesome icons, customize the colors, accent colors, border sizes and much more.

- Type : Select the color of the alert box from dropdown menu.
- Background Color (Option only available for Custom type) : Set the custom color of the alert box.
- Is Dissmisible : Show or Hide the Dismissal Button (X) for the alert box.
- Icon : Select the alert icon you want to display.
- Color : Set the color of the alert icon.
- Size : Set the size of the alert icon.
- Spacing : Set the exact spacing between icon and title.
- Title Text : Type the text you want to display.
- Color : Choose the color for your text.
- Typography : Choose the Font-name, size, boldness, text-decoration, letter-spacing.
- Content Text : Type the text you want to display in the content area.
- Color : Choose the color for your text.
- Typography : Choose the Font-name, size, boldness, text-decoration, letter-spacing.
NOTE - In advance option tab . Do more styling to the Alert Widget.To know more about advance option tab. CLICK HERE